Your payout currency will change to Egyptian Pounds Starting May 1, 2025, Google will begin making payouts in Egypt in the local currency, Egyptian Pounds, as we move towards making payments in local currencies globally. We will no longer support payouts in US Dollars in Egypt. You're receiving this message because you have an AdSense, AdSense for YouTube, AdMob, or Ad Manager account in Egypt that currently receives payouts in US Dollars. What's changing Starting May 1, 2025, all AdSense, AdSense for YouTube, AdMob, and Ad Manager payouts in Egypt will be made in Egyptian Pounds. New payments accounts created in Egypt will also receive payouts in Egyptian Pounds. What you'll need to do Google will create your new payments account for Egyptian Pounds on April 1, 2025. To continue to receive your AdSense, Adsense for YouTube, AdMob, and Ad Manager payouts after April 2025, you may need to add a bank account that accepts Egyptian Pounds to the new account. We'll notify you if you need to take action. How Google will handle any balance in your current payment accounts
Note: Your payment account in US Dollars will be deactivated in April 2025, but you'll still be able to access it in your Payments page to view past activity.
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الأربعاء، 2 أكتوبر 2024
[Important] Google Payments: Your payment currency is changing starting May 2025
[Important] Google Payments: Your payment currency is changing starting May 2025
بواسطة : Unknown
10:50 ص
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